Reconciliation shouldn’t be an afterthought.

Reconciliation is often done after filing for the period via spreadsheets which require redundant, manual data prep and are prone to human error.

Instead reconcile product movements, the general ledger, and tax return data against each other before paying what you owe, to ensure your accounts are balancing and mitigate financial risk to the business.

Reconciling data for tax compliance
reconciling tax data

Data reconciliation software designed for you

Say hello to assisted reconciliation all in one transparent platform.

Reduction in Time to Reconcile

A New Way to Comply

Finally, a platform to help you reconcile your data, reduce redundancy and risk, and save time.

Minimize the burden on IT resources for technology infrastructure updates and maintenance

Reduce risk of audits, fines and penalties

Cut data processing time down from 2 hours to just 30 minutes

Accelerate tedious but necessary processes and minimize human error

Elevate valuable people resources to focus on strategic initiatives

Reduce reconciliation time from 40 hours down to just 3 hours

The teams behind tax compliance

U.S. Energy logo

Reconciliation with just one of our vendors took about 40 hours to complete, the process for that specific recon now takes us 3 hours.

Read the case study here.

U.S. Energy

RB Stewart Client Story

It’s one thing to say that you have good customer service; it's another to follow up and have action behind that. I feel like that's been our experience with IGEN; great customer service, and full transparency, which we're looking for in a business partner

Read the case study here.

R.B. Stewart Petroleum Products Inc.

Can your reconciliation process do this?

Matching Engine & Exception Reporting

Easily import your data into ComplyIQ

Combine multiple data sources to create a complete data set ready for matching

Configure match criteria based on your business logic and controls

Identify and handle exceptions

Color coding for user friendly discrepancy identification

Make in-process data corrections without re-importing data

Track open items for future resolution

Create repeatable data-matching processes

Attach notes and documents to data for future audit references

Generate reports and data extracts showing reconciled to document reconciliation completion

Built with flexibility in mind

The applications for ComplyIQ reconciliation are endless. Match receipts to disbursements. Get a comprehensive look at your inventory transaction flows. Reconcile general ledger summaries to taxed transactions. Whatever you do that needs reconciliation or matching, think ComplyIQ.

Configurability where it matters

Frequently asked questions

Get Answers on ComplyIQ Reconciliation

Our data reconciliation software allows you to match on multiple data points, set exact match down to fuzzy matching, and generate corresponding records based on matching criteria. For example, find disbursements without a receipt, generate one, and then match it – all inside our software.

The possibilities are truly endless! Reconcile receipts and disbursements, intra-company transactions, or pipeline movements. Use our software for inventory or general ledger reconciliation. Whatever you need, our software can try and help streamline your process.

Yes, our matching process lets you dive deep into your data. You can filter down to the exact data sets you’d like to work with from different tables or the same one.

Yes, we can create custom Smart Grids or management reports to give you the needed data.

Absolutely. You can sync your data with master tables, fill in gaps in your data, and more.

Get Started

Talk to An Expert

To get started with ComplyIQ, powered by IGEN, simply fill out the form below or give us a call at 888.998.4436. Reach out to us today to talk to an expert.